SAN IGNACIO I.II.VII.II – DAY TWO 28/09/22 Something I failed to mention about Roy is that he doesn’t swim. After two swimming-related deaths in his family, he’s remained apprehensive about swimming in areas where his feet don’t touch ground – rightfully so. Which meant we’d spend our penultimate day together apart, having had already booked a tour to the Actun […]
III.II.VII – The Chase
III.II.VII THE CHASE Kathmandu, check. Pokhara, check. And up next was our third and final stop; Chitwan. I might have had no expectations for Nepal, but this I definitely looked forward to. From the little research I had carried out before going to Nepal, this place felt rather synonymous with adventure. Finally! Arriving at the hotel, we were quite… surprised? […]
I.I.VII.I – Mérida: Day One & Two
MÉRIDA I.I.VII.I – DAY ONE & TWO 24/08/22 & 25/08/22 Yep, you guessed it. Yet another bus trip – this time to Mérida; a city in the state of Yucatán. Pretty much like in my other stops, I’d have three days here, though this time round I had plans only for one. I spent the first afternoon going around the […]