IV.I.IV – Off to the Races

IV.I.IV OFF TO THE RACES I remember dreading having to go on a date. All the small talk, the playing hard to get, the thrill of the chase. Then there’s the waiting for the right moment to ask them out and the having to decide where to go.  Then, of course, comes the much-awaited, much-dreaded day – along with the […]

I.II.VII.I – San Ignacio: Day One

SAN IGNACIO I.II.VII.I – DAY ONE 27/09/22 Having to peel myself away from Roy and getting out of the most comfortable bed in existence proved to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Luckily enough, we had a full day of activities and adventures ahead of us.  After having breakfast and bidding Kay and Darcy adieu, Roy and […]