II.II.VI – Out

II.II.VI OUT Over the next two weeks of my summer general rotation, my passion for medicine would only intensify. I saw all kinds of surgeries – some of which I’d be lucky to encounter again throughout my life. It was all I expected to see and then some. Patients that would forever remain immortalised in my memory.  Especially the one […]

II.II.V – In

II.II.V IN My third year in medicine war right around the corner. Third year – one of the most challenging years in the course if not the most. But it’s also the year I had been most looking forward to. Third year meant finally starting our clinical rotations! The previous summer, before the whole Manchester saga, I had spent two […]

II.II.IV – Inheritance

II.II.IV INHERITANCE read on the doe It wasn’t only grief that changed me after my father’s death. For the first time in my life, I had enough money to do whatever the hell I wanted. I’m not talking millions here—in fact, I was by no account even close to being rich. I had just enough to live comfortably and splurge […]

II.II.III – Alone

II.II.III ALONE I had never lost anyone before then. This was all terra incognita to me. Luckily, I wasn’t alone. I had friends, and now, I also had someone by my side who made it a little more bearable. Only now, this someone too was about to leave me. It was around the same time that Pedro’s job opportunity fell […]