I.II.VII.I – San Ignacio: Day One

SAN IGNACIO I.II.VII.I – DAY ONE 27/09/22 Having to peel myself away from Roy and getting out of the most comfortable bed in existence proved to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Luckily enough, we had a full day of activities and adventures ahead of us.  After having breakfast and bidding Kay and Darcy adieu, Roy and […]

III.II.V – City of Lakes

III.II.V CITY OF LAKES The second leg of our journey involved a super bumpy eight-hour bus ride that took us straight to Pokhara; the City of Lakes. Aptly known as the tourism capital of Nepal, Pokhara is a destination for many avid adventurers seeking to brave the Annapurna Circuit. Though we wouldn’t get to do that, the scenic drive there already […]

II.III.VIII – Wandering

II.III.VIII WANDERING Just before we’d get to enjoy the city of Bogotá, we had one final road trip planned in order to cover as much ground as possible. Luckily, Pedro’s father offered his car for that.  Our first stop was the Catedral de Sal de Zipaquirá which are salt mines extending some 650 feet underground with a church at their epicentre. Apart from being […]