II.II.III – Alone

II.II.III ALONE I had never lost anyone before then. This was all terra incognita to me. Luckily, I wasn’t alone. I had friends, and now, I also had someone by my side who made it a little more bearable. Only now, this someone too was about to leave me. It was around the same time that Pedro’s job opportunity fell […]

II.II.II – Anger

II.II.II ANGER I stood tall and put on a brave face. Remember I’m too proud a person to admit weakness and vulnerability. I wasn’t the one in need of consoling. I was the one doing the consoling.  My mother, my brother, my aunts and uncles… They were all a mess, as if their entire life had just collapsed in front […]

II.II.I – Goodbye

II.II.I GOODBYE read on the doe Things were going great. I had finally had my routine down, I was in love and I was about to embark on my third year of studies. This meant finally going around the hospital as we’d start off our clinical rotations and getting to see a little bit of everything. Basically a dream come […]