II.III.I – Departure

II.III.I DEPARTURE Colombia… Half the world away it stood. And I was going there. The furthest I had ever been from home was Manchester; three hours away from Malta by plane. And now I was going to friggin Colombia – some 10,000 kilometres away.  “It’s okay, it’s okay – he’ll be there with me!” I told myself as I was […]

I.I.VII.II – Mérida: Day Three

MÉRIDA I.I.VII.II – DAY THREE 26/08/22 The next day, my tour companion would be Andrea; a Mexican-born lawyer who left the country around ten years previously to work in the US and had just left her job to travel and find her purpose in life. I seemed to be hitting the jackpot of travel buddies!  This time, we’d be heading […]

I.I.V.II – Palenque: Day Two

PALENQUE I.I.V.II – DAY TWO 20/08/22 The following day, my travels would take me to the renown ruins of Palenque. The colectivo I rode on, an ancient white toaster van, chockfull of people, broke down three times along the way. Somehow, it managed to survive the trip, despite its door being unable to close – an innovative way to ventilate […]