III.III.III – Rock Bottom

III.III.III ROCK BOTTOM I know I won’t particularly enjoy writing this. Mostly because I have to mention a lot of my failures in excruciating detail. Also because it’s probably gonna sound like I’m giving a lecture or something.  I want to reiterate that I am no psychiatrist nor a motivational speaker; I’m writing solely from personal experience. That, and the […]

I.II.IV.I – Hopkins: Day One

HOPKINS I.II.IV.I – DAY ONE 22/09/22 The following morning, with a heaviness in my heart, I bid Becca and Oliver farewell. Then tears started flowing as it was Roy’s turn. I could not even begin to comprehend how I had fallen for him so bad in such little time!  We promised we’d see each other again. He’d accompany me to […]

III.III.II – Hedonia

III.III.II HEDONIA On the same exchange program were about twenty other students from all over the world. I wasn’t too keen on making new friends at the beginning. My time in Hungary was supposed to be my me time.  Little did I assume that by that very first night, they’d already be family.  I still remember us sitting down on […]

III.III.I – An Ancient City

III.III.I AN ANCIENT CITY Just like that, Nepal was yet another memory. Back in Malta, I didn’t really have much time to stagnate. I was ready to leave the minute I set foot on the fish-shaped prison. And leave I did; this time to Hungary; specifically, the city of Pécs for a medical exchange program. Oh Pécs, my Pécs… You […]

III.II.VII – The Chase

III.II.VII THE CHASE Kathmandu, check. Pokhara, check. And up next was our third and final stop; Chitwan. I might have had no expectations for Nepal, but this I definitely looked forward to. From the little research I had carried out before going to Nepal, this place felt rather synonymous with adventure. Finally! Arriving at the hotel, we were quite… surprised? […]

III.II.VI – Guilty Pleasure

III.II.VI GUILTY PLEASURE Our time in Pokhara was not all spent on fun and games. Once there, we started a clinical placement in emergency medicine at Gandaki hospital. I was particularly excited for this rotation as I had no experience in emergency prior to that, not to mention that emergencies are the coolest thing to study when you’re a student […]