I.II.VII.I – San Ignacio: Day One

SAN IGNACIO I.II.VII.I – DAY ONE 27/09/22 Having to peel myself away from Roy and getting out of the most comfortable bed in existence proved to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Luckily enough, we had a full day of activities and adventures ahead of us.  After having breakfast and bidding Kay and Darcy adieu, Roy and […]

I.II.II.I – San Pedro: Day One

SAN PEDRO I.II.II.I – DAY ONE 16/09/22 Another day, another ferry. It’d be my second time stepping foot in San Pedro, though this time round it was intentional. After dropping my stuff at the hotel which was on the opposite side of the island, a mere five minutes away from the ferry pier, I headed out to explore the town […]