I.II.VII.I – San Ignacio: Day One

SAN IGNACIO I.II.VII.I – DAY ONE 27/09/22 Having to peel myself away from Roy and getting out of the most comfortable bed in existence proved to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Luckily enough, we had a full day of activities and adventures ahead of us.  After having breakfast and bidding Kay and Darcy adieu, Roy and […]

I.II.IV.II – Hopkins: Day Two

HOPKINS I.II.IV.II – DAY TWO 23/09/22 My next adventure took me to the Mayflower Bocawina National Park. Finally – some green, and, most importantly, some time to roam a tropical forest (alone)! When I was in Mexico, I was doing these kinds of things on most days, but here in Belize, it felt like I had been cheating on trees […]

I.I.X.II – Tulum: Day Two

TULUM I.I.X.II – DAY TWO 06/09/22 The next day, I found myself on yet another unplanned tour suggested by a local who worked at a restaurant I dined in. A beaten down minivan picked me up in front of the travel agency, along with three other Dutch guys who’d be joining the tour.  After being dropped off in the middle […]

I.I.X.I – Tulum: Day One

TULUM I.I.X.I – DAY ONE 05/09/22 A couple of hours on a bus (no more limos) took me to yet another destination – Tulum. Once again, I knew my time here would prove too short to actually do everything, and so I had to prioritise. I stayed in the residential area and forewent the resort zone, which, in all honesty, […]

I.I.VIII.II – Cancún: Day Three

CANCÚN I.I.VIII.II – DAY THREE 29/08/22 As much as I seemed to dislike the city, it did have some remarkable qualities to it – mainly its vicinity to the old Mayan ruins; a stark contrast between the overly modernized city and the remains of a once powerful civilization. And now, I’d be embarking on yet an archaeological day-tour. First off […]