I.III.I.II – Flores: Day Two

FLORES I.III.I.II – DAY TWO 01/10/22 Admittedly, Belize left me a bit dry when it comes to Mayan ruins. Sure, there were Xunantunich and Cahal Pech, the ATM cave and the Marco Gonzales Archaeological Reserve (if one can actually count that), but, these totalled three days of excursions in three weeks. That’s it! Back in Mexico, visiting ruins was almost […]


GUATEMALA PEOPLE POPULATION Guatemala is the most populous country in all of Central America, with a population of around 17.6 million, despite a large number of diaspora all over the world.  The majority of the populations consists of Ladino people; a mix of Mestizos and Hispanic people, with some 41% being Mayans of which the K’iche’ and Q’eqchi and Kaqchikel […]


GUATEMALA LAND GEOGRAPHY Guatemala is bordered by Mexico on the north and west, by Belize and the Caribbean on the north-east, by Honduras on the east, by El Salvador on the south-east, and, finally, by the Pacific on the south.  The country is divided into three major regions by two mountain ranges crossing the country from west to east, giving […]


GUATEMALA HISTORY PRE-COLUMBIAN Whilst the first evidence of human settlement dates back to some 12,000BC, the main players in the country’s Pre-Columbian history were the Mayans, with the height of their power here being between 300 and 900AD, with most of their cities being abandoned by the end of the same period. POST-CONQUEST By the time Spanish conquerors arrived in […]


GUATEMALA COUNTRY NAME The name Guatemala is believed to be derived from Cuauhtēmallān; a Nahuatl word that translates to “a place of many trees”, referring to the abundance of kidneywood trees found in the area when discovered during the Spanish Conquest. Another possible explanation for the name would be the Mayan word ‘Guhatezmalh’ which means “mountain that vomits water” in […]

I.III.I.I – Flores: Day One

FLORES I.III.I.I – DAY ONE 30/09/22 It was time to cross yet another border. Always, every time, unfailingly, I’m a friggin wreck. When the time approaches, I feel my heart thumping like crazy – as if suddenly I’m this criminal who’s trying to run away from another country, as if my bag is full of explosives and weapons. I had […]