I.II.V.II – Placencia?: Day Two

PLACENCIA? I.II.V.II – DAY TWO 25/09/22 The place I had come to call my ‘safe haven’ quickly stopped being that as my streak of bad luck went on.  At around 1AM, I could hear shouting and screaming coming from the cabaña to my left. Being the observant person that I am (most would describe it as nosy), I took it upon myself […]

I.II.V.I – Placencia?: Day One

PLACENCIA? I.II.V.I – DAY ONE 24/09/22 I woke up bright and early to catch the bus from Hopkins to the intersection outside the town, where I’d get on another one that would lead me to my next destination; Placencia. What followed, instead, is what I like to refer to as a series of unfortunate events. Always the punctual type, I […]

I.II.IV.II – Hopkins: Day Two

HOPKINS I.II.IV.II – DAY TWO 23/09/22 My next adventure took me to the Mayflower Bocawina National Park. Finally – some green, and, most importantly, some time to roam a tropical forest (alone)! When I was in Mexico, I was doing these kinds of things on most days, but here in Belize, it felt like I had been cheating on trees […]

I.II.IV.I – Hopkins: Day One

HOPKINS I.II.IV.I – DAY ONE 22/09/22 The following morning, with a heaviness in my heart, I bid Becca and Oliver farewell. Then tears started flowing as it was Roy’s turn. I could not even begin to comprehend how I had fallen for him so bad in such little time!  We promised we’d see each other again. He’d accompany me to […]

III.II.II – Land of the Gods

III.II.II LAND OF THE GODS I might be in love with travelling, but if there’s one thing I hate, it’s long-haul flights. Seriously, hate them with a passion. My nose alternates between being as dry as a fistful of Martian soil and bleeding like a stuck pig, my joints and muscles age by fifty years and my hypothalamus suddenly decides […]

I.II.I.I – Caye Caulker: Day One

CAYE CAULKER I.II.I.I – DAY ONE 09/09/22 A two-hour ferry ride away stood my first destination in Central America – an island called Caye Caulker in Belize! With a fresh breeze and sea spray in my face, I felt reinvigorated. The melancholy of leaving Mexico behind soon turned to exhilaration as I was about to step into another country. And […]

II.III.VI – Recovery

II.III.VI RECOVERY Our adventures in Santa Marta were soon over and the rest of Colombia was awaiting! We headed down south back to Bogotá once again, where we were given the warmest welcome by Pedro’s family before being cordially escorted to their bathroom. After four days without a hot shower, I could finally scrub myself clean from all the dirt and […]