II.II.III – Alone

II.II.III ALONE I had never lost anyone before then. This was all terra incognita to me. Luckily, I wasn’t alone. I had friends, and now, I also had someone by my side who made it a little more bearable. Only now, this someone too was about to leave me. It was around the same time that Pedro’s job opportunity fell […]

II.I.VI – Blossoming

II.I.VI BLOSSOMING Over the coming days, Pedro and I started seeing more of each other. The more time we spent together, the closer we seemed to get. It was kinda addicting, not gonna lie.  Everything was completely new to me. We’d meet at his place and he’d cook for me. We’d drive off to the beach and gaze at the sunset. […]

II.I.V – Budding

II.I.V BUDDING Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe… Girl, boy, girl, boy. Man, this was getting confusing. There’s a way to talk to girls and a way to talk to guys. And talk, talk, talk I did but I knew that sooner or later I was gonna have to go out with a guy if I wanted to really give this new […]