II.III.VI – Recovery

II.III.VI RECOVERY Our adventures in Santa Marta were soon over and the rest of Colombia was awaiting! We headed down south back to Bogotá once again, where we were given the warmest welcome by Pedro’s family before being cordially escorted to their bathroom. After four days without a hot shower, I could finally scrub myself clean from all the dirt and […]

I.I.X.I – Tulum: Day One

TULUM I.I.X.I – DAY ONE 05/09/22 A couple of hours on a bus (no more limos) took me to yet another destination – Tulum. Once again, I knew my time here would prove too short to actually do everything, and so I had to prioritise. I stayed in the residential area and forewent the resort zone, which, in all honesty, […]

I.I.VIII.II – Cancún: Day Three

CANCÚN I.I.VIII.II – DAY THREE 29/08/22 As much as I seemed to dislike the city, it did have some remarkable qualities to it – mainly its vicinity to the old Mayan ruins; a stark contrast between the overly modernized city and the remains of a once powerful civilization. And now, I’d be embarking on yet an archaeological day-tour. First off […]

I.I.VII.II – Mérida: Day Three

MÉRIDA I.I.VII.II – DAY THREE 26/08/22 The next day, my tour companion would be Andrea; a Mexican-born lawyer who left the country around ten years previously to work in the US and had just left her job to travel and find her purpose in life. I seemed to be hitting the jackpot of travel buddies!  This time, we’d be heading […]