The name Guatemala is believed to be derived from Cuauhtēmallān; a Nahuatl word that translates to “a place of many trees”, referring to the abundance of kidneywood trees found in the area when discovered during the Spanish Conquest. Another possible explanation for the name would be the Mayan word ‘Guhatezmalh’ which means “mountain that vomits water” in reference to a volcano found near the capital city.

The flag is made up of two vertical sky-blue stripes and a white one in the middle, representing the fact that the land is found between the Pacific and the Atlantic with the sky above it. In the centre is the coat of arms; a bay laurel and crossed swords representing victory and honour, with a scroll bearing the date of the country’s independence onto which a resplendent quetzal; Guatemala’s national bird, is perched.


Guatemalan Flag

Guatemala is a constitutional democratic republic with a President and political system resembling that of Mexico.

With a poverty rate of around 59%, Guatemala is one of the poorest countries in Central America, despite the low unemployment rate. This, of course, means that income distribution is highly unequal, with the vast majority of people work in providing services and in agriculture. Whilst the GDP per capita is on the rise, there is still much more progress to be had, with tourism becoming one of the main drivers of Guatemala’s economy.

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