MEXICO COUNTRY NAME The derivation of the name Mexico is, to this day, still debated. One possible explanation is that it is an ethnonym; a proper noun referring to an ethnic group. In this case, the word is derived from Mexica, the rulers of the Aztec empire. Another suggests that it’s derived from metzli; moon, and xictli; navel, meaning that […]


MEXICO PEOPLE POPULATION With a population of around 126 million, most of the country’s people are known as Mestizos; an ethnicity referring to a mix of indigenous American and European ancestry, with other minority groups including Afro-Mexicans, White Mexicans and people from all over the world. That said, the majority of its people are united under the same national identity, […]

0.II – Go

0.II – GO I finally got to start this adventure… One I had been planning for years. First it was med school, then it was COVID, then it was work. But finally, I managed to make it happen. And finally, that day had arrived – the 3rd of August 2022. The day I’d finally get to go on a plane […]

0.I – Get Set

0.I – GET SET Seven years ago, at the unripe and non-tender age of nineteen, I left my country, Malta for the very first time. It was a five-day trip to Barcelona. I still remember every single detail, exactly like it were yesterday. My friend, a traveller by all accounts, thought it was absurd how someone like me; adventurous, spontaneous, […]


FOREWORD Welcome to my travel journal you crazy, beautiful people. This is Marius Brown, your average run-of-the-mill idiot who’s writing about his adventures all over the world during a gap year taken during his medical residency over 2022 and 2023. Okay, here it goes… I am entirely conscious of the fact that in all likelihood, no one but me will […]