II.I.VI – Blossoming

II.I.VI BLOSSOMING Over the coming days, Pedro and I started seeing more of each other. The more time we spent together, the closer we seemed to get. It was kinda addicting, not gonna lie.  Everything was completely new to me. We’d meet at his place and he’d cook for me. We’d drive off to the beach and gaze at the sunset. […]

II.I.V – Budding

II.I.V BUDDING Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe… Girl, boy, girl, boy. Man, this was getting confusing. There’s a way to talk to girls and a way to talk to guys. And talk, talk, talk I did but I knew that sooner or later I was gonna have to go out with a guy if I wanted to really give this new […]

II.I.IV – F.O.D.

II.I.IV F.O.D. Back home I was busy with my summer job, helping around the house and taking care of my dad. Everything was normal. Only now there was something constantly humming at the back of my mind; “You know… I did stuff… I did stuff with a guy! Am I okay with that? Is this something I wanna be doing […]

II.I.III – Metamorphosis

II.I.III METAMORPHOSIS 2017… What a year. That year I learnt how to live. How to really live. That year, all those comfort zones holding me back went out the window. That year, the ball started rolling at hyper-speed and I kept on riding it like a pro. Lemme backtrack a bit… One of the best things about studying medicine is […]