III.III.III – Rock Bottom

III.III.III ROCK BOTTOM I know I won’t particularly enjoy writing this. Mostly because I have to mention a lot of my failures in excruciating detail. Also because it’s probably gonna sound like I’m giving a lecture or something.  I want to reiterate that I am no psychiatrist nor a motivational speaker; I’m writing solely from personal experience. That, and the […]

I.II.IV.I – Hopkins: Day One

HOPKINS I.II.IV.I – DAY ONE 22/09/22 The following morning, with a heaviness in my heart, I bid Becca and Oliver farewell. Then tears started flowing as it was Roy’s turn. I could not even begin to comprehend how I had fallen for him so bad in such little time!  We promised we’d see each other again. He’d accompany me to […]

III.III.II – Hedonia

III.III.II HEDONIA On the same exchange program were about twenty other students from all over the world. I wasn’t too keen on making new friends at the beginning. My time in Hungary was supposed to be my me time.  Little did I assume that by that very first night, they’d already be family.  I still remember us sitting down on […]

I.II.II.I – San Pedro: Day One

SAN PEDRO I.II.II.I – DAY ONE 16/09/22 Another day, another ferry. It’d be my second time stepping foot in San Pedro, though this time round it was intentional. After dropping my stuff at the hotel which was on the opposite side of the island, a mere five minutes away from the ferry pier, I headed out to explore the town […]