III.I.II – Moving On

III.I.II MOVING ON And life went on. I now had all the time in the world for my studies and for myself. The second semester of our third year in med school is renowned for its trials and tribulations, so this ‘freedom’ seemed to be god-sent. The catch? The ‘me time’ soon started taking over the study time and before you […]

III.I.I – Back

III.I.I BACK I arrived back home in one piece, unprostituted and as sober as ever. I had been expecting to come back a different person, and that I did. Only I couldn’t quite recognise what was so different about me. On the outside I was still the same; though lighter and my skin now perfect, shiny and tan in the […]

II.III.IX – Home

II.III.IX HOME Constantly moving on from adventure to another, I failed to notice my time in Colombia was almost up. On my last day, I opened my eyes and I was wide awake. I wanted to keep them closed, to go back to sleep. I wanted to stay in that moment right before you wake up – when things are […]