I.II.V.II – Placencia?: Day Two

PLACENCIA? I.II.V.II – DAY TWO 25/09/22 The place I had come to call my ‘safe haven’ quickly stopped being that as my streak of bad luck went on.  At around 1AM, I could hear shouting and screaming coming from the cabaña to my left. Being the observant person that I am (most would describe it as nosy), I took it upon myself […]

I.II.V.I – Placencia?: Day One

PLACENCIA? I.II.V.I – DAY ONE 24/09/22 I woke up bright and early to catch the bus from Hopkins to the intersection outside the town, where I’d get on another one that would lead me to my next destination; Placencia. What followed, instead, is what I like to refer to as a series of unfortunate events. Always the punctual type, I […]