I.I.IV EUDAIMONIA Much like when I was a kid, I started re-questioning everything about everything. I had to start back from scratch, from the very foundation; tabula rasa. Philosophy, politics, science, society, every single thing. I let go of everything I thought I knew and started all over. “Who am I?” I’d ask myself over and over, much like when […]
I.I.III – Reignited
I.I.III REIGNITED They say that ignorance is bliss. They also say pineapples shouldn’t be on pizza. Or that downing an entire can of whipped cream at one go is bad for you. Clearly ‘they’ is an idiot and ignorance is not bliss. What I’m trying to say in all these convoluted terms is that if I’ve learnt anything at all, […]
I.I.II – Ex-Father
I.I.II EX-FATHER My father was never a man of many words. Unless those words were “no” or “you had that coming”. For the better part of my life he could have just been the family butler with whom I’d be forced to hang out with on occasion, but that’s about it. He’d come home late from work, pick a fight […]
I.I.I – Awakening
I.I.I AWAKENING It was just like any other day. I had just come back from school when – CUT! Oof, bored already. Jeez! Right from the very first sentence. I apologise. Let’s start over and just cut right down to it, shall we? In the weirdest way possible. Here it goes. Ready? Okay! I’m a massive Grey’s Anatomy fanatic. To […]