I.II.V SWSD “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life” goes this one famous saying that pops up on my Facebook feed from time to time. Good stuff. Tear-jerking really. A bit vomit-inducing, perhaps. Scratch that – definitely vomit-inducing. I’m this close to needing a barf bag. Seriously, this close. The […]
I.II.IV – Reality Check
I.II.IV REALITY CHECK It only took a few days in med school for me to swallow my words and realise that I was completely wrong about everything. There I was, surrounded by the crème de la crème of university students, these overachieving brainiacs, struggling to keep afloat after I was thrown right into the deep end. Being the socialite that I am, […]
I.II.III – Starting Line
I.II.III STARTING LINE Picture this. It’s a crisp, sunny September day in 2015 and it also happens to be this fresh-faced idiot’s first day of med school, staring brightly at the battered, dilapidated building that would hold me hostage for the next two years – all full of goals and dreams and aspirations. Aaah – how amazing it all felt! […]
I.II.I – Anticipation
I.II.I ANTICIPATION My path to getting into medicine? Oof. It was just like a game of Pac-Man. Only the maze was more convoluted, the dots I had to eat were books and Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde were my assignments, exams, anxiety and a feeling of impending doom. In order to get into medicine, I’d need to sit for […]