I.II.V SWSD “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life” goes this one famous saying that pops up on my Facebook feed from time to time. Good stuff.  Tear-jerking really. A bit vomit-inducing, perhaps. Scratch that – definitely vomit-inducing. I’m this close to needing a barf bag. Seriously, this close. The […]

I.II.IV – Reality Check

I.II.IV REALITY CHECK   It only took a few days in med school for me to swallow my words and realise that I was completely wrong about everything. There I was, surrounded by the crème de la crème of university students, these overachieving brainiacs, struggling to keep afloat after I was thrown right into the deep end.  Being the socialite that I am, […]

I.II.III – Starting Line

I.II.III STARTING LINE Picture this. It’s a crisp, sunny September day in 2015 and it also happens to be this fresh-faced idiot’s first day of med school, staring brightly at the battered, dilapidated building that would hold me hostage for the next two years – all full of goals and dreams and aspirations. Aaah – how amazing it all felt! […]

I.II.II – Fellowship

I.II.II FRIENDSHIP   September 2015 was a month of many firsts for me. I was nineteen, making my way downtown, strutting my stuff and painting the town red. Me and my trusty leather jacket, all hip and trendy. Like what the cool kids say. Cause I‘m just that cool.  I’d be a med student in a few weeks’ time and I was […]

I.II.I – Anticipation

I.II.I ANTICIPATION My path to getting into medicine? Oof. It was just like a game of Pac-Man. Only the maze was more convoluted, the dots I had to eat were books and Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde were my assignments, exams, anxiety and a feeling of impending doom.   In order to get into medicine, I’d need to sit for […]