IV.I.II – Vulnerable



To be happy, to be really happy, means being able to be hopeful. And hope? Not a big friend of mine. I think Gus was in the right here. The world’s not really a wish-granting factory after all. Earlier on in my life I ditched hope and dreams for goals and actions. And I was a much better person for it. In every single way. Or so I used to think.

My new frame of mind allowed me to rethink everything I thought I knew. The things I cherished; love, adventure, wisdom… Were they still applicable to this new me? Medicine, coffee, Grey’s Anatomy – my three favourite things, and everything else that made me me. Now that I had seemingly found the key to happiness, how did my old life fit in with this new one? Would I have to ditch everything and start everything afresh? And what about the people around me? Having had gone through a similar awakening a few years before, I was kinda used to the idea of rehauling and revamping my entire life, so I embraced this new change with open arms. 

I went back to re-explore all my relationships. My friends, my family, my ex. I realised very few people knew who I was. I used to write down every single thought in my journal. Everything – from my fears and darkness to my joys and light. That’s how I used to process everything. I had never let anybody else in because I could do it all on my own. And I never had to change because it worked. I had always been my own best friend, my own ‘person’ as it were –  the only one I could always count on. As much as I used to think that it was a strength, I came to the realisation that being able to be vulnerable with the people that you love is just as important. I used to think that sharing my burdens was a weakness; as if it meant I’m not capable of dealing with my problems on my own, and I couldn’t be more wrong. 

I realised that was the case because I had never allowed myself to feel happy before then. To be happy is to be vulnerable. If you’re permanently miserable, nothing can ever make you feel any worse. If you’re blissful? Anything can threaten that. So why let it? If you have no expectations in the first place, how can things go wrong? And that’s when everything started to make a little more sense. Everything I thought I knew had suddenly started to shift.

That’s when I realised I had never loved anybody fully. I always had one foot on the ground. My relationship with Pedro could have never worked out. It wasn’t freedom I wanted back then, it was me being too scared – and that’s why I never really let him in. I was subconsciously trying to protect myself and so, I sabotaged everything. 

The minute I came to this conclusion I sent him a reaaally long text. A whole essay. A tome if you will. I told him all about my recent epiphany. I asked him how it had felt to be with someone like me – emotionally stunted and closed off. I apologised for shutting him out. He told me it was all in the past; that he knew that no matter how many times he could have pointed the same things I had just figured out to me, it would all have been useless. He knew I had to go through it myself. Plus, there was also the whole ‘long distance’ thing which didn’t quite help our situation.  Cue Katy Perry bursting into my room belting out “The One That Got Away”.


Having settled that, I sat down to reassess my situation once more. Despite all my emotional lacunae, I still gave myself credit for a few things I had done right. Like for example my friendship with Momma Bear. I confided in her as much as I did in my journal – be it about my dying father, my relationship with Pedro or anything else that would cause anyone to go haywire. Also, I was always there for my friends whenever they needed advice or a shoulder to cry on – or at least I tried to be.  

That said, I’d have to do better – for one simple reason. Because if push comes to shove, people are better than no people. As proud and stoic as I might be, I don’t wanna be alone. People are better than no people…


Stay wild,

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