I.I.V.I – Palenque: Day One




By this point in my journey, I was pretty much used to all those long bus rides every couple of days that would take from one incredible place to the next. And the next? I could describe Palenque in more ways than one, although the first thing I can think of is that it’s oddly reminiscent of Aguas Calientes in Cuzco, Peru – a town that sits right under the ruins of Machu Picchu. So nostalgic!

Though laden with my heavy bags, I didn’t quite mind strolling along the roads of Palenque. I had no set plans for the day and I’d be staying in a hotel right in the heart of it, so I figured I’d take it easy. Walking in the centre of the tourist area one can find a long cobblestoned road surrounded by jungle on each side, with fancy hotels and tourist agencies lining it. 

While I’m not usually one to actually enjoy wandering around such areas, I do have to admit that it’s quite the charming town, especially so around the residential area where the buildings start to resemble more those that are found in traditional Latin American towns – colourful though more modern and with no hint of colonialism.

Roberto Barrios Falls

With no set plans for the day, I took the opportunity to roam around the town centre. After much pestering by the many tour agents on the streets, I ended up on a minibus which took me to one of the other-wordly waterfalls around Palenque – those of Roberto Barrios.

These falls, which for the life of me I cannot begin to fathom why they’re not widely popular (thankfully), were my favourite to visit. After a short hike through the jungle, I found myself following the meandering river that led straight to the falls. Getting to roam around the jungle on my own took me right back to my time in the Amazon a few years previously. In a way, this felt like coming back home after many years away. 

As glorious as the jungle is, it’s not quite the highlight of the area. That spot is reserved for the river which forms a series of natural pools with the turquoisiest water you can imagine. Whilst most people chilled in the pool and floated about idyllically, a few daredevils busied themselves climbing on the falls. I was gonna give it a pass until my FOMO got the better of me. Seeing the locals doing their acrobatics over the waterfalls made me throw caution to the wind and I ended up joining them. 

I gotta admit that scrambling over slippery rocks whilst being pelted by torrential amounts of water wasn’t exactly not scary. That said, there’s this sense of freedom that comes with being reckless that had me wondering why I had never done such a thing before. Was I too sheltered? Too afraid? Too much of a coward? Does the fear of breaking a bone really justify missing out on such experiences? Right there, on the precipice of the waterfall, I could feel this voice in my head urging me on, even if it was against my better judgement. And I’m glad I followed suit. Conquering those falls made me feel more alive and freer than ever!



When I finally got to my hotel, it felt a little bit like the hike wasn’t quite over yet.  Though smack right in the city centre, the entire thing was practically shrouded in jungle.

Everything was surrounded by trees and plants, with bamboo shoots right in front of the entrance. Inside, it was more of the same – its three stories isolated in the middle of the jungle, with a pool and a tiki bar right at its centre. A pure paradise! Whilst I don’t usually go for luxury when I’m travelling (mostly cause I’m always on a tight budget) this one was quite grandiose – though one of the cheapest places I had ever stayed in.

Oh and there’s more. It wasn’t just the decor and setting that stole my attention. The second I drew open the curtains in my room, the first thing I could see was this huge iguana staring right back at me. Not a second after I opened the door did it run away at full blast, climbing on a tree never to be seen again. I’d say its absence pained me only the toucan perching on the same tree did wonders to help me forget all about my reptilian fever. Oh, and the coatis… All that wildlife inside a hotel – insane!

After ogling at all those fantastic beasts, I proceeded to settle into my room. Finally I had some time to chill and just be. Knowing I’d have plenty of time to go around and explore the city and its surroundings, I jumped straight in the pool, ordered the best mojito and piña colada I have ever tasted and spent the afternoon relaxing. I felt like I deserved it after being on the go for so many days without any kind of respite. And boy did I need it.

Stay wild,

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