I.I.I – Awakening

I.I.I AWAKENING It was just like any other day. I had just come back from school when – CUT! Oof, bored already. Jeez! Right from the very first sentence. I apologise. Let’s start over and just cut right down to it, shall we? In the weirdest way possible. Here it goes. Ready? Okay! I’m a massive Grey’s Anatomy fanatic. To […]

0.I – Get Set

0.I – GET SET Seven years ago, at the unripe and non-tender age of nineteen, I left my country, Malta for the very first time. It was a five-day trip to Barcelona. I still remember every single detail, exactly like it were yesterday. My friend, a traveller by all accounts, thought it was absurd how someone like me; adventurous, spontaneous, […]


FOREWORD Welcome to my mind all you crazy, beautiful people! Man, this feels weird. So weird! I never wrote for anyone other than myself before. I started writing this during my days in med school from 2015 to 2020, recounting my tales in and out of hospital. Let’s see how this goes…  I pick up a pen and jot down […]