The derivation of the name Mexico is, to this day, still debated. One possible explanation is that it is an ethnonym; a proper noun referring to an ethnic group. In this case, the word is derived from Mexica, the rulers of the Aztec empire. Another suggests that it’s derived from metzli; moon, and xictli; navel, meaning that it is the navel of the moon, with some other hypotheses suggesting it is the centre of the universe. Yet another theory suggests that it refers to Mexitl; a high priest who left Aztlán, the legendary land of the Aztecs in order to find a new settlement; which happens to be today’s capital. It could also allude to a different name of Huitzilopochtli; the Aztec god of sun, or to the centre of the agave tree.

The country boasts of a tricolour flag consisting of three vertical stripes; green, white and red with the coat of arms in the middle one; an eagle standing on nopal (prickly pear) whilst feasting on a snake. This is based on the Aztec emblem for Tenochtitlan – the empire’s capital city. This would be located in today’s Mexico City, however, back when it was founded, it used to be an island in the middle of a huge lake which has since disappeared. An eagle landing on nopal signalled the Mexitl; an Aztec, to build the city there, with the serpent representing them vanquishing their enemies.

Mexico Flag

Mexico is a democratic republic with the President serving as a head of state and government and the commander-in-chief of the military, and, together with their cabinet, they exercise executive power. Legislation is carried out by the Congress of the Union consisting of a senate and a Chamber of Deputies, whereas the judicial system is composed of the Supreme Court, councils and courts.

With respect to economy, Mexico stands at number 16 when it comes to GDP; its labour force mainly working in providing services or otherwise working in industry and agriculture respectively. It is rich in natural resources like oil and precious metals with a rich diversity of crops, which make up most of the country’s exports, having strong trading ties with the US and Canada. That said, over 40% of its population lives in poverty and more than 30% of people are unemployed.

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